Contra-flow cycle lane on Capel Street gets flexi bollards

— Bicycle logo still in the wrong direction on Ryder’s Row.

A long-unprotected contra-flow cycle lane which goes from the upper section of Capel Street and into Ryder’s Row has received the flexi bollard treatment.

Dublin City Council sees the process of adding flexi bollards and other light segregation measures as a way to upgrade sections of cycle routes faster than is happening with cycle route projects, many of which are stalled or delayed in the planning process.

However, the bicycle logo painted on the cycle lane is still painted in the wrong direction on Ryder’s Row — the lane is a contra-flow lane but the logos on the Ryder’s Row section are painted in the with-flow direction.

Our archive photo shows the warning signs to motorists indicate the lane is a contra-flow lane:

4 thoughts on “Contra-flow cycle lane on Capel Street gets flexi bollards”

  1. I know there are different views on the flexi bollards. They were installed recently near the Harolds Cross bridge and have made a huge difference. The bus lane was consistently full 10 to 15 cars in the morning traffic. Now the lane is clear, making it safe for cyclists.

    The bollards are a simple engineering solution that provide a segregated space for cyclists. I know it’s not perfect as the space is shared with buses. However, it’s 10 times better than the previous layout.

    A number of bollards were knocked over, in the first few days, illustrating how some drivers don’t take enough care in watching the road. The bollards were replaced again quite quickly.

    I like the bollards. Does anyone have strong views on this type of infrastructure?

  2. Magic wands are easily installed, and easily removed or just easily driven over by idiots – they are just not permanent enough. Traffic segregation needs to be done by concrete curbs like on Grand Canal or North Wall Quay outside Central Bank or concrete bollards and planters.

  3. I’m torn. They definitely solve a problem and they’re very welcome but they’re also ugly and detect from the streets. If they became our de facto solution, we’d end up with a very ugly city.

  4. @hugh The bollards in harolds cross have been replaced at least three times. They’ve recently extended them.

    I like them as a cheap stop gap measure, and they seem to be working in Harrods cross. The long term


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