Thinking of passing a cyclist without leaving enough space? This Irish driver received a €250 fine and 3 points

Video footage from bicycle cameras are more commonly been used to fine and even help convict drivers who overtake people on bicycles too closely.

One Twitter user who uses a camera mounted to his bicycle said that Gardai confirmed today that a driver he recorded overtaking him closely was convicted last week of dangerous driving.

“Just received excellent news. Yes it is actually possible to get a conviction for close passing. This driver received €250 fine, 3 points and a conviction after pleading guilty,” Twitter user ‘righttobikeit’ said today. Here’s the video:

He said: “Happened 14/06/2018. Complaint to Trafficwatch shortly afterwards. Was contacted by Garda from the area of the incident. Made statement at my local Garda station and gave usb which were passed on. Got a call today to say it was in court last week. He pleaded guilty. I wasn’t needed.”

The van driver overtook him as he was overtaking another vehicle parked in the hard shoulder. Cars overtaking directly before and after the van managed to give a greater distance.

He added: “Hopefully this will inspire more of us not to accept this intimidation and drive the message home. ‘We have cameras, we will report, you will get done for it’.”

2 thoughts on “Thinking of passing a cyclist without leaving enough space? This Irish driver received a €250 fine and 3 points”

  1. To be honest, I’m waiting for someone from the Gardai, or the RSA, or the AA to come out and announce that there’s going to be a judicial review of this decision by the courts to prosecute this clearly innocent, god-fearing, salt-of-the-earth, down-trodden driver, who was obviously just going about his business, and sure and anyway, no-one was harmed, and what in god’s name was all the fuss about anyway, and if this decision is allowed to stand sure we’ll end up with people being dragged from their beds in the middle of the night and sent off to Siberian salt-mines just for owning cars, so we will.

  2. Great news Cian. I have near misses daily. Do you know what make of camera the cyclist used? I need to buy one. Its getting frightening on the roads. I spend most of my time in UK and its even worse over here.


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