— Security barriers removed in afternoon after complaints.
Dublin’s College Green went motor-traffic-free yesterday for the first 7am and 7pm Sunday trial — the day started off with complaints about barriers blocking off most of the street before the security measures were scaled back.
The Summer trials of the College Green Plaza are to continue next week and the week after.
Dublin City Council has said that it is preparing a new plan for the planned College Green Plaza after it was rejected by planners last year. The plan was rejected large due to a Traffic and Transportation Assessment, which included questioning traffic evaporation and misunderstanding induced demand.
Sunday morning started with a large number of complaints about the barriers:
I'm delighted to see the pedestrianisation trial of College Green go ahead but security guards, thousands of metal barriers, pedestrians being refused access to the space and no cycle parking is not what I had in mind #StreetsAreForPeople pic.twitter.com/zbmPDPWBlJ
— Neasa Hourigan TD (@neasa_neasa) July 21, 2019
Some nice bike racks outside Stalag Fun in College Green today. Dubliners were largely unwilling to enter the Fun area corralled off by security staff & flying bedsteads pic.twitter.com/z6b8EQSNQ4
— Petrichor (@Sinabhfuil) July 21, 2019
What the heck is happening with this car-free College Green SNAFU? More crash barriers than at a Croke Park gig; grumpy security; legal-eagle “ground rules” & a general air of foreboding. Shows City Council is just paying lip service to the idea of going car-free
— Jim Carroll (@byjimcarroll) July 21, 2019
I was so disappointed that I was actually angry when I arrived at College Green. It was a mess of empty space behind barriers, with the promised 2-way cycle lane non-existent. Combined space for cyclists/pedestrians was actually less in places. Have DCC explained their thinking? pic.twitter.com/lX9DFtMgZT
— Ruairi Ferrie (@RuairiFerrie) July 21, 2019
Some people made fun of the barriers and others questioned if somebody involved planned them to make it fail:
But, after the complaints, the number of barriers used was vastly scaled back:
Looks like the barriers on College Green are coming down now, on the section up to Anglesey Street.
Apparently, installing them wasn't a @DubCityCouncil decision, but a @GardaTraffic decision. #CollegeGreen #CollegeGreenIsForPeople pic.twitter.com/GQMN22i7km
— Joan // Mask up, Stay apart (@clicky_here) July 21, 2019
There was some strange sights — including people playing ball on College Green:
When was the last time there was a game of footie on College Green? pic.twitter.com/CgczTconuI
— Another Commuter (@dublin7commuter) July 21, 2019
Boules on the green! Taking advantage of the pedestrianised College Green for a game of pétanque today @DubCityCouncil @neasa_neasa @maevestone @IrishPedestrian @DublinCommuters #StreetsAreForPeople pic.twitter.com/E44o2suphG
— Robbie Blake (@rpblake) July 21, 2019
Usually it’d be too noisy here to hear this:
But outside the railed-in area, Dubliners and visitors were enjoying a nice version of Sweet Dreams by @straymelody pic.twitter.com/cSnOJd0iwx
— Petrichor (@Sinabhfuil) July 21, 2019
As the day went on, many people enjoyed having a significant area in Dublin City Centre without motor traffic:
Dude just chilling in the middle of the street during the pedestrianisg experiment in College Green pic.twitter.com/98NgTTllBp
— Emmet Ryan, that guy from that thing (@emmetjryan) July 21, 2019
Dublin city centre is one million times better without cars. Hope we make this trial permanent pic.twitter.com/r326xUdA1V
— David O'Doherty (@phlaimeaux) July 21, 2019
Great to bump in to @Pidge and @CByrneGreen in College Green day. Plenty of family fun to be had. Plenty of things to tweek too but isn't that what being beta is all about #DublinsGreat pic.twitter.com/vhrgEAMP5R
— Paul McAuliffe TD (@PaulMcauliffe) July 21, 2019
We went into town today for the car free day In college green. Had fun, and did a little bit of shopping that wouldn’t have happened otherwise pic.twitter.com/qCzoRk3YLY
— Pursuit of balance (@HealthyBalance8) July 21, 2019
I really want college green pedestrianisation to work & become a thing. Can you send me positive tweets from today to counter my poor experience please?
I’ll start:
This was my free caricature via @anitacaricature – love it. Plus more pics #StreetsAreForPeople #collegegreenplaza pic.twitter.com/MgwsGxWWWd— Alfred E. Neuman (@Peteer) July 21, 2019
College Green as rarely seen today. Returned to its historic state as a place for Dubliners to walk at ease. Important initiative to support. #collegegreen pic.twitter.com/iLw5N5fz34
— John Eardly (@JohnJEardly) July 21, 2019
There was such a lovely vibe in city centre today. Great atmosphere on College Green and other streets felt far calmer and friendlier – particularly good for families! Really hope this will eventually be permanent for our fair city! #CollegeGreen #CarFreeDay pic.twitter.com/UUhQiwiZvU
— Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin (@aoibhinn_ni_s) July 21, 2019
And, while there were a few large events in the city today, more bus-priority measures and fewer cars are likely needed on the quays:
On the next two College Green trials, an Irish man who is a transport planner in London has some suggestions:
#CollegeGreen Dublin car free today and for next 2 Sunday’s. It appears the great idea was not quite envisaged. There’s still weekends yet to make improvements
At same time I note London’s Regent Street is doing car free Summer Streets. Might be some ideas here for Dublin https://t.co/5nK32EFwO9
— Dermot Hanney (@HanneyDP) July 21, 2019
Link to Regent Street Summer Streets overview https://t.co/1c07i1HlGi cc @LorraineFitzsim @doccer
— Dermot Hanney (@HanneyDP) July 21, 2019
We need to sort out this silly blame game between the Gardai and the DCC,it was the same at the Alfie Byrne Road over the concert closures.
It was a DCC event so they should be calling the shots. In fairness, they did improve the situation fairly quickly.
This is the point of an experiment; try something and learn from the experience. I expect next week will be better.