From abuse from drivers to school uniforms: #andshecycles highlights issues schoolgirls who cycle face

The #andshecycles campaign — which aims to highlight the issues faced by schoolgirls who cycle — was launched yesterday by Green Schools programme run by An Taisce.

Safety on the roads, abuse from drivers, catcalls from boys and men, peer pressure from other girls, and impractical school uniforms are among the issues schoolgirls who cycle face.

Green Schools launched the campaign at an event in Dublin yesterday and also put out this video:

The issue was covered on RTE News:

It’s worth also checking out the detailed article on

There was quite a bit of reaction to the campaign on Twitter, the conditions school girls cycling have to put up with, and the news  covering it:


1 thought on “From abuse from drivers to school uniforms: #andshecycles highlights issues schoolgirls who cycle face”

  1. I can’t remember the name of the girls school opposite Sundrive Road Garda Station but it has a sign banning cycling in the school grounds but if you’re a teacher or delivery van you can bring your 2 ton vehicle into the school grounds no problem! No very welcoming to it’s pupils.


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