Limerick councillors seek 10% of transport spending to be spent on cycling

NEWS IN BRIEF: Limerick City and County Council should spend 10% of its road transport budget on cycling infrastructure, councillors on the council’s transport committee have agreed.

Cllr Brian Leddin (Greens) proposed the motion and it was seconded by Cllr Daniel Butler (Fine Gael). The committee motion will next go to a vote at a full meeting of the Limerick City and County Council.

READ MORE: Committee passes motion to allocate 10% of Limerick’s transport budget to cycling (

3 thoughts on “Limerick councillors seek 10% of transport spending to be spent on cycling”

  1. I think that it is important to identify what can be allocated and what can’t ie discretionary funding from TII, non-discretionary funding from TII eg for roads, funding from NTA which they have to approve and funding from LCC’s current account (which should be discretionary) and LCC’s capital account (which specifies where money can be spent).

  2. Great initiative by Brian Leddin and other councillors in Limerick, that follows on from the Government’s own recent Climate Action Plan, which stated that 10% of transport funding would be allocated to cycling! Now to make it happen on the ground and get it through the main Council meeting!


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