VIDEO: Bicycle theft using angle grinder in broad daylight in the Dublin Docklands

— Passing mobile bicycle repair man threatened with angle grinder.

— Angle grinder makes short work of well-regarded Kryptonite lock.

People were left stunned today as an angle grinder-wielding bicycle thief and his accomplices stole a number of bicycles in Dublin’s Docklands — one member of the public was threatened when they tried to intervene.

Laura Carroll, who caught the brazen thief on camera, tweeted: “This guy outside McCann FitzGerald robbed 3 bikes. He had an angle grinder before you ask why people didn’t stop him. His friend had already taken 2 bikes up over sam Beckett bridge. Rang the guards.”

When one person on Twitter asked, why the mobile bicycle clinic van — who’s van can be seen passing in the above video — didn’t stop, Carroll said: “They did – They got out and your man was shouting at him and going at him with the angle grinder.”

Staff of the Cycle Clinic later replied and said: “We challenged this scumbag (just after video above), rang guards and followed him across North Wall Quay but lost him. Told Garda we were chasing and they said they would ring back. No phonecall back yet!”

One person who walked passed the theft-in-progress said: “I’m open enough to say I walked passed him. Assumed theft couldn’t be that brazen, naively thinking it could just as easily be someone who lost a key. Lesson learned.”

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bicycle theft using angle grinder in broad daylight in the Dublin Docklands”

  1. “Angle grinder makes short work of well-regarded Kryptonite lock.”

    I’d also point out that the lock in the main photo appears to be a Series 4, which gets three stars from ART, which makes it a better lock than all the other grey- or orange-coloured Kryptonite locks, which get two stars. It’s got a thicker shackle and it’s proper hardened steel, rather than case-hardened.

  2. I saw two guys doing the exact same thing beside the Point Luas stop last week. I saw this from my apartment balcony. I called the guards and they said they would send a car and look at the CCTV footage. They still got away with 3 bikes. It seems that nowhere is safe at any time of day anymore.

  3. It’s painful knowing that a €30 battery powered angle grinder from Lidl can get through my €80 Abus lock in less than a minute


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