cargo bikes and Azor Dutch bicycles gets new dealer in Ireland

NEWS IN BREIF: The Dutch Bicycle Shop has become the new dealer in Ireland for cargo bicycles and Azor Dutch bicycles.

Even as the lockdown has eased, bicycle shops across Ireland still seem to be seeing a continued upsurge in business.

It’s understood that the first order from the retailer to the manufacturer has yet to be made and there might be some delays with the COVID-19 bike boom and the Sumer holidays. But the Dutch Bicycle Shop is now the only dealer in Ireland for the brands, so, it’s worth contacting them if you are interested in buying one.

Greenaer, which used to hold a dealership for and Azor, is now focusing solely on electric brands. The Dutch Bike Shop is now online-only at after closing it’s south Dublin shop last year.

JUST TO NOTE: We normally don’t cover the retail site of bicycles too much but will look at covering news like this such as new places to buy utility bicycles. Get in touch if you have similar news.

2 thoughts on “ cargo bikes and Azor Dutch bicycles gets new dealer in Ireland”

  1. Delighted for Astrid and Frank and the Dutch Bike Shop! After a tough time in recent years lets hope this helps them to make a comeback. Great retailers of bikes, and great people!


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