Consultation ends tonight (Tuesday) on a contra-flow cycle track and upgrade of the cycle route west and north of Dublin Castle.
The project — called the Werburgh Street Cycle Route Phase 1 — is being progressed by Dublin City Council and funded by the National Transport Authority.
You can fill out a survey and find further details on the council’s website. A cropped version of the project drawings are shown below.
The project will include a contra-flow cycle lane and with flow lane sharing with motorists on Cork Hill and Castle Street.
Around the corner, it will also include a new contra-flow cycle lane on Werburgh Street, partly protecting the existing with-flow southbound cycle lane on Werburgh Street and that continuing for a short section into Bride Street. These streets join up with New Bride Street and Heytesbury Street. It’s unclear the extent of these which will be partly or otherwise segregated in further schemes.
The existing northbound cycle lane on Bride Street will not be linked straight away to the contra-flow lane on Werburgh Street as the councils said it will take more time to change the layout of the junction between both streets and add traffic signals.
For those unfamiliar with the street names, the streets mentioned above run parallel to the interlinked streets which start George’s Street and stretches to Camden Street.