Interim version of Dublin’s Fitzwilliam cycle route installed

An interim version of the delayed Fitzwilliam cycle route is in the process of being installed by Dublin City Council. The project is funded by the Department of Transport via the National Transport Authority.

Despite the design being bog standard internationally, the parking-protected aspect of the project is still seen as controversial by some local councillors and a local residents association.

Having a cycle lane or path inside parked is used limitedly in Dublin to date, but a section has been used between Smithfield and Stoneybatter for decades and is more widely used in Cork. But a parking protected lane was installed on Lombard Street over a year ago, and, since then, on Bridgefoot Street and Parkgate Street.

The Fitzwilliam route — which is just 1km long — underwent 20 different public and stakeholder engagements. At one public meeting, an attendee accused a councillor of being a “racist” because the cycle route which he first proposed was for foreigners and for tourists, not residents.

As part of an on-going investigation by this website on the delays to cycle routes in Dublin, Dublin City Council in June told this website: “Fitzwilliam Cycle Route: The issuing of construction tender documents has been deferred to December 2020. This is a result of problems encountered in the detailed design of the drainage system. This means that the permanent scheme will not be completed before Q4 2021. In the meantime, DCC will implement interim measures along the route in order to improve safety for cyclists.”




  1. just cant see why they dont use the dooring width standard which these schemes follow ie 1 meter minimum up to 1.5 meters like seen all over america who use these well.Thats the main problem with these as a car or van door on the passenger side can hit a cyclist easily when opened


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