Woman on bicycle seriously injured in collision with truck driver turning left in Dublin

A woman who was cycling was seriously injured in a collision between her bicycle and a truck after the driver turned left from The Coombe into St Luke’s Avenue / Cork Street in Dublin 8 last Wednesday.

At this point it’s unclear which direction the person cycling was travelling in. The Gardai said today that investigations are ongoing.

Earlier this year, a member of the public highlighted to the city council that a recently painted straight ahead cycle lane on The Coombe and on the inside the general traffic turning lane towards Cork Street was causing extra conflicts compared to when there was no cycle lane on the street.

“Gardaí attended the scene of a road traffic collision involving a truck and bicycle which occurred on St Luke’s [Avenue], Dublin 8 on the 21st October 2020 at approximately 3:30pm,” said Gillian Fee at the Garda Press Office.

She added: “A female cyclist was taken to St James Hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries. No other injuries reported. Investigations are ongoing.”


4 thoughts on “Woman on bicycle seriously injured in collision with truck driver turning left in Dublin”

  1. Is that the lorry? God help her. Hate to say it but construction-type lorry driving has always appeared more dangerous than much bigger lorrys, e.g. Artic’s. Having worked on a few building sites, these drivers (and farm equip drivers) appear to forget they are on public roads. I’ve been v-narrowly missed by several JCB/Diggers. On a related note, another woman was kiled around Sherrif St two years ago, and the same driving that cause that death continues, but most worrying, on more than one occasion right in front of Gardai, evben Garda cyslists. Basically drivers dont respect the blank/back light. It means stop/dont go, but at every junction (Beaumont Pub; Fairview; Kilbarrack Fire Station etc etc) drivers come towards cyclists who have the right to go forwards and (driver) turns left, endangering the cyclist (and, again, often in front of Gardai).

  2. With the government revising its Road Safety Strategy for 2021-’30, it is essential that serious injury data be put into the public domain on a regular basis. The KSI data should feature on the agenda of every meeting of a local authority’s Transport & Policing SPCs.
    The Road Safety Authority must analyse each KSI collision as soon as possible in order to analyse how it took place. A team of specialists will have to be established to undertake this analysis. It should not be left solely to Garda investigators.


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