Set up scrappage scheme to swap cars for ebikes or cargo bikes, campaigners tell Minister Ryan

— Schemes have been successful in Finland and Lithuania, campaigners say.

Transport minister Eamon Ryan should set up a scrappage scheme to swap cars for electric bicycles, cargo bicycles, ecooters or even long-term public transport tickets, cycling campaigners have suggested.

The suggestion comes as Minister Ryan launched a scrappage scheme for taxi drivers to switch to electric cars.

Yesterday, the Dublin Cycling Campaign said: “How about a scrappage scheme where an old car can be swapped for a free new electric cargo bike?”

IMAGE: ‘A bike for every need’ (By: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union
licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0).

They added: “There is such a wide range of cargo bikes available now to match the needs of anyone, and you can save a fortune compared to the cost of running a car. Cargo bikes could replace the ‘second car’ for many households, and enable many more to become car-free.”

While Galway Cycling Campaign said: “How about a car scrappage scheme for a personal ebike, ecargo bike or escooter? Finland and Lithuania are already funding €1,000 trade-in offers to help people #MakeTheSwitch. Lithuania’s €8m fund was quickly used last summer and increased to €11m.”

Earlier this week, the Galway Cycling Campaign went into more details. They said: “Finland’s government car scrappage scheme has two new options: €1,000 for an ebike or a public transport ticket. Out of 1800 applications so far, 1000 are for the ebike offer and 50 for PT Ireland should develop a similar trade-in scheme for ebikes.”

They added: “Last summer, Lithuania set up a car trade-in scheme for ebikes, pedal cycles, cargo bikes and e-scooters. Again, the scrappage offer was €1,000. The €8 million fund was so quickly used that the gov added another €3 million to help the switch to ebikes.”

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  1. I’d give good consideration to swapping my car for a cargo bike.
    But the incentive would need to be more than 1K.
    I’d need a electric one. Because I live at bottom of killiney hill. And hauling up a full load would be a big issue.


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