— One car parked on cycle route had sign saying “Dublin City Council has authorised a PARKING BAY here.”
Dublin City Council said has said that it will “revisit the issue of parking enforcement” once a new section of the Griffith Avenue cycle route is operational.
The Griffith Avenue quick-build project is part of the council’s COVID-19 mobility projects and is aimed to be usable by school children. Although, unlike similar projects in other cities internationally, people using the cycle track are are left mixing with buses pulling into stops. The project is being finished in sections.
There have been complaints of motorists blocking the cycle track in a new section of the route between Walnut Rise and the Drumcondra Road.
Locals who use the cycle route told IrishCycle.com that at least some of the residents blocking the partly finished cycle route with their cars have alternative parking spaces available on little used side streets metres from their houses.
In one case a handwritten cardboard side was put on the windscreen of one car parked on the unfinished cycle route which read: “PLEASE don’t put stickers on the car. Dublin City Council has authorised a PARKING BAY here.”
Dublin City Council is planning four extra parking bays in revised new plans for this section of the route — see the images of original and revised drawings below. Although, the parking bay will be outside, not on the cycle track.
(article continues after tweets)
Free the cycle lanes on Griffith Ave. The first car (left) in the first image could injure someone. On my way to Beaumont Hosp' this evening the car is parked in a dark area so I was quite close before I saw it.
Of course I get the beeped for going around and into the carriageway pic.twitter.com/lv6EhmzeiM— Stephen Mc Lean (@Ste_Mc_Lean) January 25, 2021
Kieran Ryan, a spokesperson for the Dublin Cycling Campaign said: “We are asking people to respect the new segregated cycle routes on Griffith Avenue and not to park in a way which endangers other road users.”
He added: “We know that many schoolchildren cycle along this particular route and illegal parking is forcing them onto the road or up on footpaths.”
Last week Dublin City Council said that it would be “revisit the issue of parking enforcement” when the section of cycle route is operational.
A spokesperson for Dublin City Council said: “Bollards were installed on this section last weekend to protect the cycle lanes. The next step is to alter the centreline of the road to allow for the installation of a number of parking bays outside the cycle lanes to cater for a number of residents that don’t have off street parking. Unfortunately the weather has been unsuitable for adjusting road markings this week (We require dry mild weather to place road markings). We have a crew standing by to implement these changes at the first opportunity. The drawings showing the details of what is proposed on this section can be viewed on our consultation hub.”
The council said: “We thank all parties for their patience as we implement this scheme.”
Last week, the council said: “It is hoped, weather permitting, to make the final adjustments to the road markings and install the parking bays next Tuesday. We will revisit the issue of parking enforcement when this section is complete and operational.”
Good to see the Griffith Avenue cycle lane being extended, but @DubCityCouncil, you’ll need to remove the parked cars to see anyone use them. There were five cars blocking the lanes this morning. pic.twitter.com/r5XV8oGa4w
— Eoin O'Malley (@AnMailleach) January 26, 2021
The drawings at consultation.dublincity.ie show the following:
Sub-section 1: Original and version with parking bay:
Sub-section 2: Original and version with parking bay:
Sub-section 3: Original and version with parking bay:
Image showing lane widths at minor junction and beside parking bay: