WATCH: The second of the revived Critical Mass cycling protest rides took place last Friday.
Back in July while speaking to, Peter Collins, a volunteer at I Bike Dublin said: “The aim is to bring Dublin back into the CritcialMass movement after its absence for some years. The #IBIKEBop rides highlighted the diversity of people who cycle in Dublin and that they are likeminded in wanting more infrastructure and safer infrastructure across the city as well as enjoying a bit of craic.”
Read more from that article in July here, or watch the videos from Friday below:
still buzzin from yesterday! great reactions from people around Dublin and everyone on bikes had a blast!#CriticalMassDUB #CriticalMass #IBikeBop
— Alan D (@AlanDub13) August 28, 2021
Well that was FUN!
Thanks @IBIKEDublin and @monthlycycles very well organised. Last Friday of the month, all welcome #CriticalMassDUB #CriticalMass #ibikeivote— Nuala Waldron (@nualawaldron) August 27, 2021
Work commitments meant my participation in #CriticalMAssDUB was fleeting this evening, but there was genuinely a great reaction through the city during the bit I could take part in – well done @IBIKEDublin #Dublin #cycling
— Peter Branigan (@PeterBranigan) August 27, 2021
It's so nice to be joined by so many friendly cyclists.
— Claire (@ClaireWhyTed) August 28, 2021
— Vinnie Wall (@vinniewall2) August 27, 2021
#CriticalMassDub @dublincycling @IBIKEDublin @TheWarOnCars
— Andy (@AndyCyclesDub) August 27, 2021