Fingal County Council seeking Cycling and Walking Officer

— Deadline for applications is midnight, Friday, November 5, 2021.

Fingal County Council is seeking candidates for the position of Cycling and Walking Officer by this Friday.

The council’s brief for the role said that the new position includes working as part of a multi-disciplinary team to carry out community and stakeholder engagement in connection with new cycling and walking infrastructure schemes, and organising the preparation of public consultation display material and assisting at public consultation events.

It includes promotion of active travel at a local level and leading the coordination and implementation of active travel promotion events, activities, and campaigns such as Bike Week, car-free days, European Mobility Week.

The Cycling and Walking Officer will also be responsible for the promotion of active travel among Fingal County Council staff and the council’s participation in national NTA Smarter Travel Workplaces initiatives such as pedometer and cycle challenges.

The role is in the €44,133 to €52,925 range, with non-local authority staff starting from the lower end.

Details of how to apply can be found on the council’s website.

1 thought on “Fingal County Council seeking Cycling and Walking Officer”

  1. Imagine it’s a great draw for people who might have a clue, that lads already working who haven’t a clue might get almost ten grand a year more.


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