Dutch Cycling Study Tours 2022 — Dates confirmed for May and June

CONFIRM YOUR PLACE NOW: After successfully running five Dutch Cycling Study Tours groups from Ireland in recent years, we are now taking bookings for study tours this year.

Politicians, engineers, planners and other professionals involved in cycling and based in Ireland can now confirm their place on one of the following Dutch Cycling Study Tours:

● May 21-22 (Saturday-Sunday)
● June 8-10 (Wednesday-Friday)

Other dates are possible for large groups.

To confirm your place or look for an information pack, please email cian.ginty@gmail.com.

The wonderful city of Utrecht will remain the base for these study tours. Utrecht has the largest bicycle parking unit in the world, iconic walking and cycling bridges, and a high-standard of cycling infrastructure and traffic-calmed streets that support its Dutch cycling culture.

In most other years, groups have cycled to the nearby commuter town Houten, famed for being a town designed around walking and cycling routes with lush greenery rather than cars.

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Thank you,

Cian Ginty
Editor, IrishCycle.com

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