Sustainable transport not as convenient as our “mobile heated armchairs” but reallocating space is the right, says TD

Not everybody can cycle and public transport isn’t as convenient as the “mobile heated armchairs” that are our cars, but reallocating space to sustainable transport is the right thing to do, a Dublin TD said in the Dail tonight.

Dublin North-West TD and Fianna Fáil spokesperson on local government, Paul McAuliffe, said: “When we take climate actions it involves opportunities, but it also involves unpopular decisions. It involves what I call being climate brave, like the addition of cycle lanes and bus lanes which take away road space from cars.”

“We need to be honest with people that what we are doing there is actively discouraging and discommoding drivers in order that we can make the change to save our planet, that’s what we’re doing and we should be honest with people,” he said.

Deputy McAuliffe added: “Of course, we know that not everybody can cycle, of course we know that public transport is less convenient than the mobile heated armchair that many of our cars have become — but we’re doing it not to attack drivers but we know that’s what we need to do to tackle the climate crisis.”

3 thoughts on “Sustainable transport not as convenient as our “mobile heated armchairs” but reallocating space is the right, says TD”

  1. And we are doing it so people, young, older, frail, … have the freedom to walk and use bicycles without having to stay constantly alert for the fear of being hit by a two tonne metal box.

  2. I’m off my bike for a few weeks because of an injury. Can’t wait to get back on it (the independence! the efficiency! the air!) but in the meantime I’m dependent on taxis as I can’t walk to the Luas. I would love it if there was a cycle-taxi facility, e.g, bucket-cargo bike or rickshaw. I’d wear my wetgear if it was wet so the mobile armchair wouldn’t need to be heated/insulated . Could Dublin City Council fund a cycle-taxi rank please? Which doesn’t require an app to be booked…


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