Active Travel Strategy for Fingal to “inform choices that influence how people travel”

Members of the public are being asked to give their views on the draft Active Travel Strategy for Fingal.

Fingal County Council said that the Fingal Residential Satisfaction Survey 2019, conducted by polling company RedC, shows that currently only 18% of Fingal residents walk or cycle to work or college, while 51% commute by car.

The council said that once finalised the strategy will be used by key decision-makers to “inform choices that influence how people travel in the county”.

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh (Labour) said: “When we talk about active travel we are talking about walking and wheeling activities, like cycling or scooting, as the convenient and clear choice for short journeys. A very high proportion of our journeys from home to schools, shops, sports clubs, parks and beaches could be undertaken using active travel.”

She added: “Fingal County Council is working to add the cycle lanes, walking routes, bike rental schemes and so on that can make this change possible, and the preparation of this Strategy is an important step towards this vital shift.”

David Storey, director of Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel, said: “Adopting and adapting to active travel has the power to transform our towns and villages, with cleaner air, less traffic congestion and safer streets where people of all ages can walk and cycle without worry and enjoy our beautiful county. Ensuring the healthy, sustainable future of our communities will require effort and input from everyone so we really want to hear your reaction to this draft Active Travel Strategy for Fingal, because it will touch all our lives when we move to implement it.”

The public consultation runs until May 23 and a final version of the strategy is expected to be published in Q3 2022. Details can be found at

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