The much loved DLR Coastal Mobility Route is planned to be extended along part of the Rock Road to the boundary between the Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council and Dublin City Council areas.
The DLR Coastal Mobility Route, which was implemented during the pandemic, currently runs from Blackrock Park to Sandycove Beach.
The planned extension will run from the Booterstown end of Blackrock Park towards the city council boundary at the junction of Trimleston Avenue junction. A distance of about 450 metres.
Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council said that their latest plan “has been designed to facilitate an extension into the Dublin City Council area. If they choose to continue this scheme to Merrion Gate and beyond, only lining changes would be required in the DLR area to create a tie in.”
The drawings published today show the possible continuous into the city council area.
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Dublin City Council recently said that their court appeal against the High Court judgement which blocked the Strand Road cycle path in Sandymount is expected to be heard in June and the council expects a judgement on the case later this year.
As well as the cycle path on Strand Road, Dublin City Council also had plans for a cycle path on the Merrion Road between the Merrion Gate and the administrative council boundary.
For now, however, the extended Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown route is to stop at the boundary. Although this will offer people access to Trimleston Ave, part of a route mainly on residential streets to UCD and onwards to the Windy Arbour Luas stop.
Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council said that its new project is to be completed under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act.
The council said that the plan is in line with a large number of policies including Smarter Travel, National Cycle Policy Framework, DLR Cycling Policy, DLR County Development Plan, Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024 and the Transport Strategy for Greater Dublin Area 2016-2035.
Public consultation is online now for four weeks.

Clarification: A line in this article originally said “…implemented during the pandemic before being made permanent…”. This was shortened to “implemented during the pandemic”.
About time- it’s lethal along there when cars speed in the shared bus/cycle lane.
I wonder will they ever sort out the stupid tiny lane at Blackrock Park by the Dart Station?
Don’t really see this as useful – I commute this route, and because I go on to Blackrock village along the main road and back to town past Merrion, its not hugely beneficial. If they could have a bike bypass of the lights past Blackrock school, and again at the turn off for the Blackrock clinic, that would take a minute or two off my commute.