Limerick City and County Council has said it will remove a ‘cyclists dismount’ sign on a new cycle path in Limerick City. asked the council could it explain think thinking behind why a cyclist dismount sign is needed on the Childers Road cycle route as it crosses the Kilmallock Road.
A spokesperson for Limerick City and County Council said: “Following a close out review of this project, a number of recommendations have been made including replacing the ‘dismount’ sign with a shared space sign. This will be done in the coming weeks.” also asked if the council has looked at narrowing the short one-way section of Kilmallock Road to one lane near Childers Road to improve safety and provide two-way cycling.
A spokesperson for the council said: “This Active Travel project involved the development of a 2-way segregated cycleway between the Roxboro Roundabout and the Kilmallock Roundabout. It included the widening of the existing cycleway at the entry/exit of the Kilmallock Roundabout and the installation of two raised crossings. The Kilmallock Road was not considered for cycle infrastructure works on Childers Road as it falls outside the parameters of this particular phase of the project.”
A local campaigner posting from the Limerick Cycle Design Twitter account posted these images of the one-way section of the Kilmallock Road (left below) and a possible two-way cycle path (right below):