Months after voting down Salthill cycle route trial, councillors fall silent on solutions — campaigners

— Route reminds dangerous for people cycling, said campaigners.

Galway councillors who voted down the proposed Salthill cycle route trial in February have yet to engage, offer any solutions or seek any extra parking spaces for people with disabilities, the Galway Cycling Campaign has said.

Almost €200,000 was spent on the Salfhill cycle route trial which was not implemented accounting to local newspaper, the Galway City Tribune.

Responding to the news, the Galway Cycling Campain said: “U-turn on temporary Salthill cycleway has cost €200,000… Thousands of people should be cycling safely here. Prom could’ve been lined with planters of native plants.”

The campaign said that there’s still no solutions or offer to engage by councillors who voted against the route.

The group said: “€200k is the monetary sunken cost, but it doesn’t account for other invisible costs — Prom remains dangerous for people on bikes, still wasting time in traffic congestion, no additional blue badge parking, and silence from ‘no’ councillors on workable solutions.”

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