Cork City Council starts open-ended consultation as part of Speed Limit Review

NEWS-IN-BRIEF: Cork City Council is seeking suggestions for speed limit changes within its area as the first step in a Speed Limit Review.

At this stage, the council does not provide any maps or details and is seeking open-ended feedback.

Suggestions can be made via before 5pm on Friday, June 24, 2022.

David Joyce, director of services at Cork City Council, wrote: “In accordance with the Guidelines for Setting and Managing Speed Limits in Ireland, March 2015, Cork City Council is now commencing a speed limit review on its public road network. Members of the public are now invited to provide submissions and observations in relation to existing speed limits on public roads within the administrative boundaries of Cork City Council.”

1 thought on “Cork City Council starts open-ended consultation as part of Speed Limit Review”

  1. Guidance for Setting and Managing Speed Limits in Ireland (2015) may be only guidance and seven years old but Kildare County Council treated it as a standard. It will be interesting to see what Cork does.


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