Older people to be taken for a spin in ‘Cycling Without Age’ bicycles across north Dublin

Cycling Without Age Fingal, which was launched last week, is to have bicycle locations at Dublin 15, Northwood Demesne, Skerries and at the Baldoyle Portmarnock Greenway.

The Cycling Without Age concept — where residents of nursing homes and other older people are cycled around what is called a trishaw (pictured) — started in Denmark in 2012, There are now over 2,700 Cycling Without Age chapters around the world, with more than 35,000 trained pilots.

Fingal County Council said that the “trishaw bikes offer a very comfortable cycling experience for passengers and cyclists with deep, secure seats designed for maximum safety and electric power assistance helping the cyclist to efficiently manage the load as they move. The Cycling Without Age initiative isn’t just about cycling, it is about meeting the social needs of older people by providing social connection and inclusion.”

There are 4 locations for Cycling Without Age Trishaws in Fingal: St. Catherine’s Parkin Blancherstown, the Baldoyle Portmarnock Greenway, South Strand Skerries and Northwood Demesne where Fingal County Council have partnered with Dublin City University.

Recruiting and training of volunteer drivers have been on-going since last year.

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh, said: “We’ve had lots of people come forward and offer their time and energy to this cycling project and it’s just one example of the way in which we care for our older people and nurture inclusivity in our community. It’s great to see people enjoying their time on the trishaws, showing us that cycling really can be for everyone if we work to provide inclusive experiences and facilities.”

David Storey, the council’s Director of Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel, said: “It’s vital that we help open up cycling to people who are older and often dealing with mobility limitations. Getting out on a bike can be a very joyful experience and offers a wonderful feeling of freedom.”

He added: “Our older people have often grown up with cycling as a major feature of their youth and it’s great to be giving those same people a chance to return to that feeling again. Cycling is a healthy social outlet for people of any age and can be an ideal tool to manage stress and combat isolation. We’re really looking forward to seeing the trishaws in use across Fingal.”

The bikes will be bookable via the Fingal County Council website from tomorrow. More information can be found by contacting [email protected].

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