Anti-rat running trial to go ahead in Marino in Dublin

A filtered permeability scheme is to be trialed on Haverty Road in Marino after public consultation respondents were supportive of the plan.

Haverty Road runs parallel to the main road in Marino, where there is work on the Clontarf to City Centre Cycle and Bus project is on-going.

In the BusConnects infrastructure route for the area, there is a plan to put in filtered permeability on Haverty Road but on the east/north end. The council plans to trial the western end of the street.

A report on the consultation said: “There were a total of 44 submissions received. Overall there is widespread support for the proposal with 93% of all submissions in favour of the proposals.”

Officials said: “The main reasons residents were in favour was due to improving road safety especially for children, reducing cut-through traffic in the Marino area, the reduction in traffic-related noise, it prioritises cyclists over cars, and creates a calmer and more residential place to live.”

Cllr Naoise O’Muirí (FG) said: “Good to see report back on the Haverty Road Filtered Permeability trial consultation – some snips from it below; will make a real difference to HR and environs when implemented:”

The consultation report said: Dublin City Council has received numerous correspondence in recent years regarding transport-related issues on Haverty Road including cut-through traffic and speeding. At the 13th June 2022 Monthly Council Meeting, our Elected Councillors proposed to implement Filtered Permeability measures on Haverty Road to alleviate these issues for a six month trial period. Filtered permeability means that a series of bollards and/ or temporary planters with appropriate traffic road markings and signage will be placed along the road. It is proposed that this measure will be installed on the westem
end of Haverty Road at the Haverty Road / Marino Park Avenue junction.”

It said: “The impact of this measure will be that motorised cut-through traffic will be eliminated on Haverty Road so that drivers will no longer be able to use this route as a short-cut. Permeability through the bollards will enable pedestrians and cyclists to continue to take this route. Access through the bollards will be maintained for emergency vehicles. Local vehicular access to Haverty Road and neighbouring
streets will be retained although some journeys will be required to take a more circuitous route.“

Within the report, council officials also addressed concerns people have z

Regarding the idea that traffic will increase on adjacent roads such as Saint Aidan’s Park Road and Carleton Road, the council said: “A before and after evaluation of the trial will be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the trial. This will include traffic count and speed surveys on Haverty Road and adjacent streets including St Aidan’s Park Road, Carleton Road, Marino Park Avenue and Marino Park. The results will indicate if the trial should be made permanent, amended or removed, and if additional traffic calming measures should be considered for implementation in the area.”

On the complaint that it will be difficult/unsafe for vehicles to turn around on Haverty Road at the filtered location, the council said: “A Road Safety Audit will be carried out on the proposed design prior
to and after implementation of the trial. These assessments will identify any road
safety issues with the trial and if any amendments to its layout and location is

And regarding the concern that the end of Haverty Road at the filtered location will be used for car parking, the council said: “Parking will be prohibited at this location. Underthe Road TrafficAct
it is illegal to park within 5m of a junction or park on a public footpath. DCC Parking
Enforcement Section will actively monitor this area in relation to illegally parked
vehicles. Parking issues will be assessed during the trial and any amendments to the
design such as additional signage to reinforce the parking restrictions will be
considered forimplementation.”


  1. If they are going to start clamping around there for parking on the footpath, they’ll need to buy more clamps!

    I like the turn onto Haverty from the Mart. It’s one of the few locations with “except cycles” on the no turn sign. Would be good to see at most of the anti-rat run no turn signs as an interim step. I mean they are widely ignored by cars anyway so the filtered permeability is a big improvement but it would be nice to be able to take those turns on a bike


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