Pedestrian crossings to be added to junctions along Grand Canal in Dublin City

— Project includes adding bollards along sections of existing cycle lanes at different junctions, with a cycling-focused project promised at some time in the future.

Pedestrian crossings are to be added to a number of junctions along Grand Canal in Dublin City and a more extensive cycling project is planned, according to a local councillor.

Cllr Michael Pidgeon (Green Party) said: “I think these junctions have been left so hostile to pedestrians for far too long. I’m really glad to see the changes: particularly at Dolphin’s Barn and Sally’s Bridge.”

The project is called the South Grand Canal Safety Improvement Scheme and it stretches from Rialto to Leeson Street with varying levels of intervention at different junctions. The works also includes corner narrowing which gives pedestrians more space and slow down motorists. Some of the work of the project is already ongoing.

In terms of cycling, Cllr Pidgeon said that for now there is to be bollard protection for the cycle lanes at junctions and “a bike-focused scheme is coming later”. Small sections of cycle lanes will also be added as part of the current project.

He added: “I’d love to see us go much further in terms of bike protection: possibly even a two-way lane on the northern side of the road. Hopefully, we can get that in the cycle-specific scheme later. But this is huge progress, and it’s being installed right now.”

Dolphin Road and Herberton Roads at the bridge crossing the canal into Rialto is to get pedestrian crossings on all four sides and widening of footpaths. Despite the size of the junction and the large volume of traffic using the roads, it currently has no signalised pedestrian crossings.

Regarding the Dolphin Road junction, Cllr Pidgeon said: “We’re finally getting a pedestrian upgrade for the junction of Dolphin and Herberton Roads, just along the Grand Canal. It’s probably the most-raised junction with myself and Cllr Caroly Moore we’ve been highlighting it for ages. If you don’t know the junction, it’s a really hostile place. Full of wide speeding roads encouraging high speed, no lights for pedestrians to cross, unprotected painted lanes, and barriers galore to stop people from crossing. Properly awful design.”

He posted this video of the junction:

Further east, the junction of Donore Ave, Clogher Road and Parnell Road is to get three extra pedestrian crossings, it currently only has one.

Between those two junctions, at the junction of Aughavanagh Road, a T-road junction to a side street to the south without a bridge crossing, is to get a pedestrian crossing to access Scoil Íosagáin. While more narrow corner narrowing works are also to provided at other junctions along the canal.

Even further east, at the junction south of the canal where Charlemont Street intersects with Ranelagh Road, the project includes removing the short city-centre bound left-turning lane, and using that space to widen the footpath and provide a pedestrian crossing for people walking along the south bank of the canal. This is in addition to the three existing crossings at this location.

There will be minor changes to other junctions as shown in the drawings below.

Project drawings

IMAGE: Map key — click to enlarge.

The below drawings mainly show the larger junction and new crossings. The project also includes corner narrowing at minor junctions as well as footpath repair locations. Cllr Pidgeon has uploaded the PDF of the drawings which can be found here.


Dolphins Barn

Crossing for Scoil Íosagáin at Aughavanagh Road

Clogher Road junction

Harold’s Cross



Leeson Street

2 thoughts on “Pedestrian crossings to be added to junctions along Grand Canal in Dublin City”

  1. It is great to see the slip lanes go in Ranelagh and leeson St bridge, but still no crossing for pedestrians going east-west on the south side of the canal on Rathmines bridge? I find it surprising that to go through on a project focused on the security of pedestrians.

  2. @Stephen — the lack of east-west crossings at both Rathmines and Dolphins Barn are omissions.

    Dolphins Barn has one on the building side but none along the canal north or south of the bridge.


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