Arrest made after car passenger recorded man knocked off bicycle beside Dublin Airport

An arrest has been made by Gardai investigating a collision where a motorist drove into a man in his 20s cycling on one of the public roads just outside of Dublin Airport’s perimeter fence last Saturday morning.

A video of the collision was posted online with a passenger recording it and has been shared extensively on social media. A person, who seems to be passenger, is recording as having said “Here we go… watch, watch, watch” before the moment of impact, and then said, “Go, go, gone…”.

Gardai confirmed the arrest this afternoon. Earlier this week they describe the injuries sustained by the person cycling as “non-life threatening”, which can apply to a broad range of injuries.

A spokesperson at the Garda Press Office said: Gardaí investigating a road traffic collision involving a cyclist and car that occurred on the Naul Road, Ballymun, on Saturday 8th October 2022, have arrested a man.”

The spokesperson added: “The man, aged in his teens, has been charged and is to set to appear before the Criminal Courts of Justice this afternoon, Friday, 14th October 2022 at 4pm. Investigations are ongoing.”


  1. It would be interesting to see what the accused is charged with. Its time these dirt-bags who use cars to attack cyclists (or anyone else) were charged with attempted murder. Attacking someone with a car is more likely to kill someone than e.g. a knife ( and you might even be able to run away from a knife, not a car). I cannot understand it. It looks like there will have to be a big campaign by cyclists to have this addressed by the courts.

  2. While I condemn what the driver of the car did I also think a lot of cyclist have to share the blame, I’ve seen cyclist many times using the road when right beside them are cycling lanes which have cost a lot of money to build, they seem to have a mindset that they are above the law, it there is cycling lanes provided they should be made use them and the law should be enforced, what ever happened to the single lane rule?

  3. Are you for real? Despite the sticking plaster condemnation you begin with, that is an deeply obnoxious comment with absolutely no basis in fact. This cyclist was deliberately targeted by a couple of thugs while minding his own business on a road with no cycle lane. He bears absolutely no blame for this, nor do any other cyclists, and for you to suggest that he does is typical of the self-serving victim-blaming bolloxology that is used to justify hatred of people on bicycles. The real broader blame lies with those that use public platforms to depict cyclists as somehow less than human and deserving of their treatment at the hands of angry and sociopathic drivers.

  4. To conflate such bike-lane choices with an attempt to kill an entirely innocent cyclist is as sinister as the attack itself in my opinion (Oh sorry, collision).

    And, there are sound reasons that are absolutely within the law, as to why cyclists chose not to use a particular lane at any given time. E.g. the Clontarf to Howth cycle path (at some points) can have a freezing gale-force wind and/or deluge’s of rain, because it is up on a platform unprotected from weather. The north bound lane is (from Klbarrack to ST Fintans) dangerously narrow (south one is twice as wide there). There are weeds overgrowing the narrow lane also. Re lanes in general, a cyclist may be turning and staying off a lane may be less dangerous for everyone. Some lanes are invariably full of pedestrians (e.g. Nth Strand previous lane) Or blocked by cars (everywhere). It is the cyclists choice to use many lanes, but we don’t because, e.g. on Stillorgan Dual CW, the bumpy lanes slow us down, take us left around corners to unnecessary and stop us at time-consuming pedestrian crossings ten yards away, when we could have simply gone straight. Some lanes are very curvy because of drive-ins (e.g. Barton Road, Dundrum, which hurts my spine every time).. There are loads more explanations. However, attempting to use this as an excuse for that incident is in very bad taste.


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