Navan cycling campaigns call on public to support Convent Road scheme

Navan’s Convent Road filtered permeability scheme is asking residents who support active travel to have their say before this Thursday.

The Navan Cycling Initiative said: “Convent Road has been enjoyed by 100s of people walking, cycling, scooting and visiting the area… We’re asking all our followers and all people who want to make Navan a safer, more sustainable place to live to make a quick submission, outlining why this scheme should be made permanent.”

“A recent independent survey [for the council] showed that 70% of people are in favour! But, as always, those in support of these things don’t always say they are, and there are several submissions for far which are against,” the group said.

They said: “All of these objecting submissions have one thing in common: All of them are from a nearby housing estate. The usual reasons are listed: anti-social behaviour; graffiti; traffic; but the reality is these objections are because people can no longer drive (aka rat-run) here.”

The Navan Cycling Initiative said that one of the main objections in the submissions so-far is graffiti but the group said that photographs from before the filtered permeability was installed shows how “this has always been an issue” on the road.

On traffic, the group quotes from the Transport Assessment, which states: “The Transport Assessment has considered the traffic implications of implementing the temporary scheme on a permanent basis. As detailed within this report, the redistribution of traffic onto the surrounding road network had had a nominal impact at the surrounding junctions. It is the CDO’s considered opinion that there is no traffic or transportation reason why this development should not proceed.”

On the claim that there’s no need for the scheme, the campaigners said: “It can’t be stressed enough that this scheme is not just for Convent Road, but rather plays a key part of the Athlumney to Trim Road Cycle and Pedestrian Scheme, and of the overall Navan Cycle Network, so it’s vital the scheme is made permanent. A total of 10 other options were explored and ruled out, leaving Convent Road as the only remaining option to provide a safe cycling route in the area.”

Submissions can be made at or by emailing [email protected] on or before Thursday 27th October 2022.

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