Bizarre clip shows “continuously beeping” motorist veering towards delivery cyclist

Footage — captured today on a car’s rear dash cam — shows a motorist in Cork City, who was “continuously beeping”, driving erratically, and then swerving towards a delivery cyclist.

The footage was posted to Twitter by Eóin Murphy, chairperson of the Cork Greens, who says he intends to report the issue to local Gardaí tomorrow.

The video clip shows the motorist driving a car and the delivery cyclist with a Deliveroo backpack move from Evergreen Street and past the zebra crossing on Friar Street. The roadway is narrowed by parking on both side, but it is a two-way street.

Murphy, who posted the clip to Twitter, said the motorist was continuously beeping at the cyclist but that he couldn’t see anything which set off dicey interaction, except for maybe the motorist getting annoyed after the cyclist started off before them at a pedestrian crossing.

At the start of the video clip, the motorist and cyclist get close to each other as a row of car parking starts to the right of the footage.

The driver then keeps more towards the centre or right hand side of the road before suddenly veering towards the cyclist.

Before the driver veers in, they first pull up along side the cyclist and the driver appears to brake, then the driver starts to move up to the cyclist again and then veers towards the cyclist, nearly pinning them into a parked car before there was a gap in the parking and the cyclist pulls away.

Murphy said he has longer footage which he intents to hand into the Gardaí.


  1. The attempted use of a motor vehicle as a weapon against another road user, in this case a bicycle user, really must be treated more seriously by garda, DPP and the courts.
    Whatever about road traffic law, surely the non-Fatal Offences Against the Person (1997) could be used?

  2. It’s nothing less than attempted murder and it has become commonplace because the Guards, but especially the courts are pussyfooting around with it. Thus the perpetrators know they’ll only get a little slap on the wrist instead of the 20 years in prison they deserve.


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