News in brief: Trinity College Dublin is continuing its ‘Climate Action & Sustainability’ lecture series, every Wednesday lunchtime 1-2pm.
This week’s talk is from Prof. Philip Lawton and is titled ‘Projecting our Urban Future? Density, Intensity and Ideals’ and is on from 1pm – 2pm on Wednesday, April 5.
Dr Lawton is assistant professor of Geography at Trinity College Dublin and the course director of the MSc in Smart and Sustainable Cities.
TCD said his research focus is supporting the sustainable development of urban spaces, and his work has “explored the impact of factors like gentrification, accounting for the perspectives of different stakeholders to support a clearer vision of urban towns of the future.”
The college said: “Philip will discuss recent ideals of urban sustainability, such as the ’15-Minute City’ in their broader context, to examine the relationship between ideals of urbanism and processes of urbanization from a historical and contemporary perspective.”