Draft of Ireland’s revised National Cycle Manual released after FOI request

The National Transport Authority has released a draft of its revised National Cycle Manual to IrishCycle.com after a Freedom of Information request.

The authority is currently undergoing stakeholder consultation on the draft manual with groups such as cycling campaigners, disability campaigners and organisations, and public transport users.

The version of the manual which was released is marked “National Cycle Manual, Typical Layouts for Cycle Infrastructure, Standard Group Review Feb 2023”. It can be downloaded via IrishCycle.com’s Google Drive.

It includes drawings and artist impressions of a menu of layouts including different cycle route types, junction designs, and crossings, as well as guidance notes on how to use such designs.

Mix of images from the draft manual (for illustration only)

2 thoughts on “Draft of Ireland’s revised National Cycle Manual released after FOI request”

  1. Section 1.5: “at speeds in excess of 30km/h the cyclist is choosing to travel at a speed that leaves little room for error, for themselves or others in their vicinity”. lol

    • Nice to see the zebra and bike crossing without the need for expensive and, therefore, limiting belisha flashing lights. Should facilitate their mass roll-out across all minor road junctions as well multiple other locations that are currently not done due to the excessive costs and “engineering” needs.


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