The first two of five quicker-build sections of the Dodder Greenway are now out to public consultation, with both sections due to start construction in Q1 2024.
As reported in April, the move to build cycle paths quicker on parts of the greenway route is aimed to link up already usable sections quicker than the previous process.
The first two sections out to consultation are the Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road and the Beatty’s Avenue to Herbert Park sections.
The plan for the 0.5km section from Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road starts with a shared footpath junction treatment at the east side of Ringsend Bridge, a 3 metre-wide two-way cycle path on Fitzwilliam Quay, the two-way path continuing along a green area parallel to Aikenhead Terrace, a small section of shared space, and then shared access with local car access out onto London Bridge Road.
The project, as currently designed, will require the removal of car parking from the riverside of Fitzwilliam Quay.
The 0.5km section from Beatty’s Avenue to Herbert Park includes shared marking with already limited motoring access along Beatty’s Ave, a shared footpath section outside Life Pharmacy Ballsbridge/Spar etc to access a shared crossing to cross the Merrion Road, this shared crossing will bring people over to a new two-way cycle path on Anglesea Road to link in with the existing path along the canal in Herbert Park.
For this section, a turning lane and parking will be removed and an extra-wide traffic lane reduced in width on Anglesea Road. A small section of parking will also have to be removed on the Merrion Road outside Life Pharmacy Ballsbridge/Spar etc to allow for the shared crossing.
The path in Herbert Park and the new part as part of the flood wall works between Herbert Park and Donnybrook Road at Anglesey Bridge. This will link to the Beaver Row project, the details of which have yet to be announced.
The online public consultation for both the Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road and Beatty’s Avenue to Herbert Park sections closes on June 30, 2023.