— Route will help link a number of areas to a large number of schools and sports clubs.
Members of the public are being asked to support the planned Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme from Artane to Clontarf, before the deadline of this Tuesday, July 4
A local city councillor, Donna Cooney (Green Party), told IrishCycle.com that there is a minority-level opposition locally to the project but that she had some concerns about the claims being made.
Some of the claims circulating which have been seen by this website include there being not enough demand when the Clontarf area has a relatively high level of cycling.
There are also claims the project will “severely affect residents” but it is unclear how this could be the case, and claims that the cycle paths won’t fit when there is space on the route.
The project mainly includes segregated cycle paths and side road junction narrowing to make crossing the road safer along a 2.5km stretch of the road.
The width of the cycle tracks with widths ranging from 1.5 to 2 metres. Dublin City Council claim the project is suitable for all ages and abilities but the project, while of a genal high level of segregation, is not segregated at junctions or bus stops.
The route will link different areas such as part of Coolock, Artane, Killester and Clontarf, and in doing so will help link to a large number of schools and sports clubs. These outline maps show the route in context (article continues below):

Cllr Cooney said: “I’ve been supporting this cycle route since I first proposed it in a motion passed at the North Central Area Committee in 2021. I will be making a submission myself seeking to extend the route to cover Seaflield Road East with four primary schools and GAA Club then to link up with the Clontarf Road cycle route along Castle Avenue.”
“Clontarf Residents Association sought feedback of these proposals before and got a large majority of support. Parents have been working to get safe routes to local schools and playing pitches for many years,” she said.
Cooney said: “This is a busy cycle route and will be even more so when children and less experienced people can cycle safely to school and the park and link up with the coast road and further the Howth Road cycleway. It will be transformative in increasing the number of people travelling by bicycle and reducing car journeys. Also in protecting pavements from illegal parking. There are some nice greening elements and there will be even more in the permanent cycleway.”
People who want to comment can do so by emailing [email protected] with ‘Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue’ in the subject bar, or filling out the consultation form via the project page at consultation.dublincity.ie.


For clarity: This article has been updated with a map and a better description of the locations which the route will serve.
I have no problem with cycle paths if they are used. I live off Griffith Ave which has an extensive cycle path which is not used by cyclists as they use the footpath instead. At school times you take your life in your hands if walking due to non use of cycle paths by teenagers riding 3 and four abreast.
Such a waste of money. Mairead Joyce
Hi Mairead, I often check in on projects that are built by councils and I’ve visited the Griffith Ave cycle lanes at different times of the day and week — it is just not factual to claim the protected cycle paths are not used.
To me, the cycle lanes on Griffith Ave are surprisingly well used even when full with leaves in the winter and that the cycle path should be much better.
Regarding school children cycle on footpaths — them cycling on footpath is not surprising given that the design of the cycle lanes didn’t really account for school children. But I’ll take it with a bucket of salt about how dangerous the children are when car drivers have been observed driving at speed on the footpaths there and you don’t bother mentioning that.
I use it regularly to go east/west. Way safer than Collins Avenue or Richmond Road which both get pretty hairy at times.
If we’re going to start justifying transport infrastructure based on how law abiding the users of that infrastructure are perceived to be, we’ll never have another road built in this country!
I use the mentioned cycle path every day
I am also strongly objecting to the project and have a large number of supporters behind me based on many points of objections but mainly cost vs benefit, roads are not wide enough to be safe for cyclists especially Gracefield Road I have researched this vis the National cycle manual specifications. This is an abhorrent waste of taxpayers money which could be used elsewhere on pressing immediate matters and quite frankly residents are not going to accept it!
Hi Eimear, I’ve more than 15 years of experience in looking projects like this — I can assure you that there is enough space for the cycle paths. Whatever is your real reason for objecting to this.
You claim that it is ” an abhorrent waste of taxpayers money”, yet you don’t say why. The “taxpayers money” for this project can only be used for walking and cycling projects and the majority of tax payer support reallocating space from motorists, making roads safer, building cycle paths, and making improvements for people crossing side road etc.
All you’re doing there is pushing the cars that park all along cybil hill for use of the park, schools etc. somewhere else, it’s a complete waste and absolutely not needed , roads around Dublin are being destroyed by these segregated cycle lanes now
@Bob the cycle paths are needed to keep children and adults who want to cycle safe from motorists who don’t want to share the roads with anybody else.
The majority of people support giving space to making it safer for people to cycle to school, work etc.
Looks like work on this has already started. Tactile paving and resurfacing being done at the junction of Gracefield Rd and Brookwood Rd. Getting the right hand turn there is always a bit dodgy. You usually end up sitting there waiting for traffic to clear before attempting it (road is often heavily trafficked and often moving fast so taking the lane to take the turn is really only for the brave). Not sure what the plan is for that junction. It seems to have a small little stop in the middle (where the lane gets no wider) for cyclist to take a right… very odd.
Would also be nice for it to keep going down Gracefield road. The D5 postal distribution centre is one junction further on.
It looks like a great improvement to the streets along the proposed route which has lots of schools which is great as children and young people want to cycle. The knock on benefits of health and wellness and improved air quality are an added bonus. I can’t wait to see this completed and being able to cycle more comfortably and safely up Vernon Avenue and onwards. More people of all ages will cycle if cycleways are connected and this route is important in making such a network in the area a reality.
The reason school children use footpaths instead of cycle lanes is because they are afraid of interacting with motor vehicles encroaching on cycle lanes. Take away any cycle lane and there’ll be even more kids on footpaths.