Revised plan for Royal Canal Greenway to reduce gradient of ramp at Drumcondra Road

Dublin City Council has started a public consultation on a revised Part 8 planning process for a small section of Royal Canal Greenway at Binns Bridge beside the Drumcondra Road.

IMAGE: A Google ‘Canal View’ image of the current ramp.

The planning application is to modify the plan for the ramp from the road level to the canal path level east of the Drumcondra Road. The deadline to reply is 23.59 on August 23, 2023.

The section is a revised plan for part of the route under construction between North Strand Road and the Phibsborough Road — there’s no significant change besides changing the gradient on a ramp more accessible for all users.

The council said that the ramp gradient would be reduced to “4.99% along the entirety of its length” — this is at the higher end of what’s recommended for cycle routes but an improvement over the existing sharper gradient.

The council said that the planned changes include making the section of greenway “operate as a 4.6 metre wide shared space for the majority of the area, tying back to the previously permitted cross sections at either end”.

The council also said that there was a need to offset the greenway from the boundary of the Portland Lock apartments “by approximately 1.3-1.5 metres, in order to protect the integrity and function of the basement level vents fronting the towpath and for the amenity and security of the ground floor apartments. The offset space will comprise of a narrow maintenance path and a soft landscaping strip”.

The full details and how to reply to the consultation can be found at

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  1. Great idea the photo in the report it looks like the pedestrian area is very narrow and one way only in practice


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