How many people walk, cycle or drive in your area?And how many households have no car? — a website dedicated to sharing walking and cycling data — has released an easy-to-use tool to display mapped visualisations of Census 2022 data.

The tool which is available at can show a visual representation of the percentage of the number of cars per household and the percentage of modal share for each mode of transport.

All you have to do is pick the area you want to see the data for and then pick the car per household or the mode of transport which you want to check out.

You can also look at the data from the previous Censuses in 2011 and 2016.

It’s worth repeating that while the Census has the more comprehensive data on commuting, it only records the main mode of travel. That means, for example, if a person is commuting 20km by train and the last 3km by bicycle, only the train commuting is recorded. Or, if a person drives or works from home three days a week and cycles two days, they are not recorded as cycling at all.

To find the data by different types of area (ie council areas, towns/settlements etc), can also look find the CSO’s interactive tool at

Note: The modal share data includes ‘work from home’. While this is valid data to look at, working from home is not a form of commuting. If you’re looking at the CSO’s website it also includes ‘not stated’. Both ‘work from home’ and ‘not stated’ should not be included if you’re calculating the modal share of your own area.

1 thought on “How many people walk, cycle or drive in your area?And how many households have no car?”

  1. ‘Motorcycle or scooter’ is going to be a problem category in future. The difference in distribution of people selecting the category between 2011 and 2022 shows that people are counting electric step-on scooters in this category.


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