New design team expected to be appointed this month to College Green and Dame St Plaza project

A new design team is expected to be appointed this month to design the proposed College Green and Dame Street Plaza.

In an update to Dublin City Council councillors, officials said: “In Q4 2022, Dublin City Council published stage one of an international competition to procure a Multidisciplinary Design Team for the College Green project. The closing date for stage one submissions was January 24th 2023. Stage one submissions have been evaluated, with successful applicants advanced to stage two of the competition which is ongoing.”

The update report was dated December 15th and authored by Brendan O’Brien, head of traffic and transport, and John W Flanagan, assistant chief executive and city engineer.

It said: “Stage 2 submissions were received in September and the evaluation is ongoing. It is anticipated a Design team will be appointed in January 2024. Project timelines will be established once the Design Team has been appointed.”

The council had to retender for the design of the project after it was expanded.

Interim changes to College Green

Ahead of the full redesign of the College Green and Dame Street, the council has implemented interim changes under the title of College Green Pathfinder.

These changes include making the College Green bus gate operational 24/7, and footpath buildouts on Dame St and the median opposite.

The update to councillors said that further interim changes in 2024 “will be dependent on the rollout of Bus Connects Network Redesign” — the BusConnects changes involve moving buses out of the area where the plaza is planned.

5 thoughts on “New design team expected to be appointed this month to College Green and Dame St Plaza project”

  1. It’s terrible now, not remotely safe to cycle and ugly looking (poles, signage and marking are poor looking and over-used).

    Off the topic, but the slow delivered but well made Dodder View road cycle route has had the dividing line for cycling going their way on this two way route removed for some reason. It’s still visible in the tarmac, but should be properly reinstated for basic reasons of safety. Bicycles and e-bikes aren’t cars, but any collision would be nasty and grist to the mill of those who want good cycle infrastructure non existent or minimal.

    • I’ve been wondering why the markings were removed, the only logic I can think of is they plan to repaint it red to match the other section.


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