Waterways Ireland removes 15km/h bicycle speed limit from draft bye-laws

Waterways Ireland has removed its proposed 15km/h bicycle speed limit from its proposed bye-laws.

After public consultation on draft bye-laws for the Grand and Royal canals, Barrow and Shannon navigations, the all-island authority said that it now believes that a bye-law which says users must not endanger or cause a nuisance to themselves or others is sufficient.

As IrishCycle.com previously reported, away from urban areas or pinch points, 15km/h is well below the normal safe speed of cycling on most canal greenways.

There were 178 public consultation submissions against the cycling speed limits, which far other numbered the level of submissions on any other single point in the consultation.

A new report on the bye-law consultation said the changes include the “Removal of Bye-law provision limiting speed of bicycles, tricycles and powered personal transporters to 15 kilometres per hour.”

“This Bye-law provision has been removed following a significant number of responses both at public meetings and via submissions to the consultation process around the feasibility of the proposal,” said the report’s authors.

They added: “The Bye-law requiring users of bicycles, tricycles and powered personal transporters not to behave in a manner that endangers or causes a nuisance to themselves, and other users has been extended to also cover blueways, towpaths and cycle paths. This Bye-law is deemed sufficient to ensure that users behave in a safe manner.”

2 thoughts on “Waterways Ireland removes 15km/h bicycle speed limit from draft bye-laws”

  1. Just got an email from Waterways Ireland in relation to this, since I emailed them to register my disagreement with the proposed extremely low speed restriction for bicycles. I have to acknowledge them for categorising and counting all the responses they got to the proposal, and for actually changing their mind in response to the feedback (not only on the speed limits, but several other issues people raised) — fair play to them.

  2. It is good to see a public body respond to public opinion and drop what was a ridiculous and unworkable proposal. I think it was also significant that Cycling Ireland and Sport Ireland strongly opposed the speed limit at meetings with WI.


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