Motorist detected at 112km/h on Main Street in Charleville

A motorist has been detected travelling at 112km/h on Main Street in Charleville in Cork as part of the currently ongoing National Slow Down Day, which started at 7.00am this morning.

Ten people have been killed in collisions involving motorists in Charleville in the last decade, and plans are being advanced to reconfigure the street to make it safer and to bypass the town in advance of building a Limerick to Cork motorway.

The Garda Press Office confirmed that the detection was made using a GoSafe speed van. When contacted this afternoon, a spokesperson was unable, at this time, to outline exactly what time the speeding took place.

Some of the other examples of high speeds detected from GoSafe vans were 75km/h in a 50km/h zone on the N84 Castlequarter, Cloonboo in Galway; 84km/h in a 60km/h Zone on the R139, Belcamp in Dublin 17; 109 km/h in an 80km/h Zone on the R314 Rathroeen outside Ballina in Co Mayo; 63km/h in a 50km/h zone on the James Larkin Road in Dublin 5; and 132km/h in a 100km/h zone on the N13 Teevickmoy, Stranorlar in Donegal.

Meanwhile, the official @GardaTraffic account posted images of detections from two motorists who “were well over the 80km/h limit along the R107 in North Dublin”, the Malahide Road. — these were 111km/h (pictured below) and another at 103km/h. The latter detection photo (pictured above) showed a cyclist ahead of the cars in the photo.

The account said: “Within the first 20 mins of their shift on duty this morning, Gardaí from our Roads Policing Unit based in Dublin Castle had picked up several motorists for speeding.”

1 thought on “Motorist detected at 112km/h on Main Street in Charleville”

  1. No excuses for speeding any more seen 3 unmarked cars on n2 today pulling people in so lots been caught.unfortunatly the picture they show is confusing I’m assuming it’s the car in the outside lane that’s doing 111 not the 2 In the inside or the cyclist


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