An Bord Pleanála has ruled that a revised plan for Dublin City Council’s 4.2km long Royal Canal Greenway Phase 4 must undergo a greater environmental assessment, which must be submitted to the planning board for approval.
The issue relates to the proposed widening of the canal bank in the revised plan and its possible effects on the linked watercourses and Dublin Bay. The route along the canal between Glasnevin/Phibsborough and Ashtown is currently narrow, and much of the route has a poor surface.
The proposal includes widening the existing canal bank by between 1.4 to 2.15 metres at three locations, which would eliminate the need for third-party land acquisition.
The sections include widening a section where motoring access is provided for residents and other lands. However, the proposed width of the widened canal path along sections without car access would remain substandardly narrow for the planned segregated paths.
The project would also include ducting and chambers for future ESB high-voltage cables to be installed under the canal path.
The decision to require further screening was made after residents along the canal, Jacqui McElhinney and Francis Mackey, made an application for an AA Screening Determination. FPLogue Solicitors prepared the application. The couple
In his Inspector’s Report, David Ryan, an An Bord Pleanála planning inspector, said that, given the canal’s connection to the River Liffey and into Dublin Bay, the works would likely significantly effect EU-protected sites in Dublin Bay.
The board has ruled that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment and a Natura Impact Statement are needed for the project.
FPLogue Solicitors said: “We successfully argued that proposed modifications to the Royal Canal Greenway require appropriate assessment and therefore Dublin City Council must apply directly to An Bord Pleanála.”
MORE: ABP planning file.
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Cian Ginty
What kind of delay is that likely to translate into?
So far, the BusConnects projects are taking about 18 months to get through ABP. I expect this may take longer as it wouldn’t have the same priority as a BusConnects scheme.