Dublin Critical Mass, Belfast Critical Mass, and Waterford Social Cycle will all take place this evening, Friday, May 31st.
Critical Mass events take place in cities around the world on the last Friday of the month. In more recent years, the events have brushed off their more radical protest feel into more of a celebration with music playing from speakers and the inclusion of children at many of the cycles.
The Dublin cycle starts at 6pm from Parnell Square North in Dublin 1. I Bike Dublin said: “Come join us on your bicycle, your tricycle, a hired bike or other and have fun on the city centre streets of Dublin.”
The Belfast Critical Mass starts at the Albert Clock at 6:15pm and ends at the urban gardens across from the Sunflower. North Belfast Cycle Campaign said: “These are getting bigger and better every month. Come along and join in the fun.”
The Waterford Social Cycle will take place at 7pm outside Bishop’s Palace. The Waterford Cycle User Group said everyone is welcome, including children cycling independently once accompanied by an adult.