Still undecided about the local and EU elections? If you’re interested in sustainable transport, these guides could help you

Are you an undecided voter who is interested in sustainable transport? Ahead of the elections tomorrow (Friday) for councillors, MEPs and a directly elected mayor in Limerick, here are a few cycling/transport-related questions and ‘asks’ put to candidates that might help you make up your mind:

National asks local and MEP candidates to sign up to the principles and agree to allocate 20% of the national transport capital budget to walking and cycling.


Local newspaper Dublin Inquirer has a voter guide which includes questions answered by candidates on transport available at

The Dublin Commuter Coalition also has a transport-focused questionnaire published on the website at


The Limerick Cycling Campaign also has a set of questions for councillor candidates, the answers to which can be read at While has transport-related questions asked of Limerick directly elected mayor candidates at


The Gorey Pedestrian & Cycling Association has also asked local election candidates — the results of which are best read on their Facebook page and can also be found via their Twitter page.

ADDED: Wexford

The Wexford Bicycle User Group also has a guide on Google Docs.

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