Cycling without gear (and in heels) is possible even in Dublin

There’s an interesting discussion on Rothar’s Facebook page about gender and cycling, read it here, and there was some banter about cycling in heels, dresses, skirts, make up, and generally in normal clothes.

Special gear is great if you’re cycling around 15km, or if you’re cycling up and around the Dublin mountains. But it’s amazing how many people think that you need to have gear like helmets, high-vis or special cycling clothes just for a few kms to work or down to the shops. People give all sorts of reasons why it’s just not possible to go without this gear.

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Cycling in Rathmines at rush hour

Rathmines and nearby areas just beyond the canals in Dublin seem like good examples of popular cycling areas where the conditions for cycling are ok at best, and are far from ideal.  The … Read more

Cycle paths to form part of labour intensive recovery plan?

Could building cycle paths help unemployment and economic recovery? Rory O’Donnell, director of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC), talked to Bloomberg Television yesterday on public construction projects which could help recovery and he highlighted cycleways as “relatively small scale, but labour intensive projects” which could be identified and built fairly quickly.

O’Donnell said that these type of projects create “real value” — he could mean return from tourism, as well as transport and health.

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