S2S Dublin Bay cycle route cost closer to €100m says FOI files

The Irish Times reports this morning on claims from Michael Collins, of the Sutton to Sandycove advocacy group, that the Dublin Bay costal cycling and route would only cost €20-€40 million to complete. However, in environmental FOI documents, released to us and published on this site two years ago, the official estimated cost is closer to €100 million, due mainly to the cost of costal flooding defenses.

The documents and our story also covered concerns from National Parks and Wildlife Service over affects the route could have on wildlife — and we talked to an official at the NPWS who set out their position.

MORE: Dublin Bay cycle route to cost over €100m — includes map and environmental FOI documents

MORE: Planned section of S2S needlessly includes more shared use

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  1. Is it possible to separate the cost of the cycle paths from the flood defences? Are the defences being made necessary by the building of the path, or are they an added bonus?

    i.e. is the cost more accurately described as €100m for flood defences, with a cycle path?

  2. Your ie. is spot on. The original Clontarf to Sutton stretch was to cover over a new main drain and the cycle path was an added bonus. I can only assume that the inflated figure for the flood defences is a cynical attempt to avoid providing the cycle path. Countless Development Plans have included the S2S as an objective yet we are still no nearer to seeing it happen.


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