A spokesman the agency which looks after Dublin’s Luas tram system said that it was regrettable that a bicycle shelter at the Windy Arbour stop had to be removed due to anti-social behaviour. The bicycle racks are to remain in place, unsheltered.
The tram stop is at the western end of the Luas-UCD-Dart route.
Tom Manning, a spokesman for the Railway Procurement Agency, said: “The bike shelter at Windy Arbour was removed because it was being used as a focal point for young people to congregate and , in some cases, engage in anti-social behaviour. This resulted in numerous complaints from local residents. RPA concluded that, unfortunately, the only solution was to remove the shelter altogether.”
He added: “It is regrettable that a facility that was installed in order to improve the local environment and provide a convenient location for cyclists to leave their bikes and travel on Luas, proved to be such a nuisance to neighbours. The bicycle racks themselves were left in place.”
Shelter was effective and was used, but RPA removed it instead of removing anti social behaviour.? There was some anti social behaviour on the royal canal greenway so they tried to block it off to all but the most determined users. Cars kill vulnerable road users and they blame the victims for lack of hi is vests. I think I am seeing a pattern here of lack of competence from those charged with organising our travel infrastructure to the benifit of all users. Maybe it’s time for a mass sacking and removal of councilers and engineers due to their antisocial planning behaviour to herald in a new era of responsible, considered, intelligent infrastructure design and maintenance.
Cyclists just don’t count.
It begs question: Why did RPA not have to seek planning permission for this change in use?
What this shows up is the failure of our society to deal with ASB. Any time there is an ASB problem cyclists take the punishment and not the perpetrators.