Details of Dublin city centre to Clontarf cycle route due to be made public

A planned cycle route from the city centre to Clontarf is due to be put to public consultation this month, Dublin City Council confirmed to last week.

The previously released design in July 2015 included dropping a planned protected cycle path concept in favor of painted cycle lanes and the council told us last year that the level of “segregation proposed will be suitable for the traffic environment along the route“. It is unclear what level of segregation will be suggested by the council later this month.

The route is a key cycle route because at Fairview it takes in three commuter routes — the Malahide Road, Howth Road and the Clontarf Road, where it links to the northern section of the S2S Dublin Bay route. When the route was first planned it was the busiest route in terms of numbers of cyclists crossing into the city centre at morning rush hour (although the Rathmines route has surpassed it in recent years).

The Clontarf route includes Amiens Street, North Strand Road, Fairview, and Clontarf. At its northern end, at the start of the Clontarf seafront, it will link with the S2S North route along Dublin Bay.

Meanwhile, at North Strand Road, where the route crosses over the Royal Canal at Newcomen Bridge, it will link to the Royal Canal Greenway. The Royal Canal route forms part of the cross-country Dublin to Galway Greenway.

A spokeswoman for Dublin City Council said: “The Clontarf to City Centre Cycle Route is nearing the end of the preliminary design phase and will be submitted for Part 8 planning application in June. The scheme will also be presented for public consultation in June over a six week period. Additional elements of engineering design and review have been undertaken by DCC’s design consultant during this preliminary design phase resulting in a slight delay with the application for planning permission.”

In advance of the cycle route, a new pedestrian bridge is soon to be constructed to the east side of Newcomen Bridge on North Strand Road — this will allow for space for cycle paths on the existing bridge.

MORE: Clontarf cycle route: Councillors must demand ambitious design for all ages and abilities
MORE: Full segregation on Clontarf to Dublin city centre cycle route not possible, claims city council
MORE: Protected cycle path concept dropped in favor of painted cycle lanes on Amiens St to Clontarf route
MORE:  Councillor objecting to cycle route on “mental health” grounds is a serial objector to cycle paths

6 thoughts on “Details of Dublin city centre to Clontarf cycle route due to be made public”

  1. And the purpose of the public consultation is what? To ignore? Public consultation for the Liffey route was pretty much ignored. If they haven’t gone for a sensible well-designed protected cycle route for Fairview then who’ll be happy with it and will it matter at all if we aren’t ?

  2. The drivers along the route will be happy with any route that fulfills their primary criteria.

    1. No space currently devoted to driving cars is taken away.
    2. No space currently devoted to parking is taken away.
    3. No increase in cyclists getting in their way on the roads.

    That might read like sarcasm but in fact the first two are practically quoting the representatives of the various small business organisations and the AA who have given these opinions in the past. The third one is just common sense right?

    Public consultation does serve some purpose. Perhaps between two options that don’t impact motorists at all the better one will be chosen.

  3. @HivemindX Funny and depressingly sad and probably true all at the same time. This indeed does seem to be a factor – as long as it doesn’t impact getting cars from A to B then we’ll take your ideas on board. 🙁

    Cycling is very much not taken seriously yet here in Dublin. It’s a thing some people do on sunny days or hipsters do to look cool. It’s not for serious normal everyday people with serious normal everyday lives trying to earn a crust. Unfortunately that’s the perception and until that changes then we’ll continue to play second fiddle to all other concerns.

    Somebody dies from something they bought in a headshop and it’s all over Joe Duffy for weeks. Thousands killed due to vehicular traffic (injuries & pollution) and tens of thousands injured and debilitated, and sure, well, no sense in talking about that, because sure, are you a hippy or something……


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