News in brief: George’s Street bicycle parking gets a makeover

Bicycle parking at the corner of South Great George’s Street and Dame Street has received an upgrade — it’s part of a programme of minor bicycle parking increases which has included at least 80 new bicycle parking stands installed around the city.
The two new units on George’s Street include space for 10 bicycles each. The area around the parking was also given a makeover and seating was added.

Cyclehoop, the company which makes the bicycle parking units shaped like a car, tweeted: “Look what’s just been installed on #Georges Street in #Dublin!”

Via Google Street View, this is what the area looked like before it was cleaned up:

5 thoughts on “News in brief: George’s Street bicycle parking gets a makeover”

  1. Great that its installed….but where’s the fanfare!? Here’s a real (though small) positive before we head into National Bikeweek. Dublin City should be trumpeting these little advances!!

  2. Altho… those outlines are like very small cars. Can we have a few more such bike racks the size and shape of some of those bloody great big SUVs. 🙂

  3. This is what National Bike Week should be about. But how about a publicly declared commitment to remove x% of car parking slots on our inner-core streets and replace them with even more parking stands for bikes. Just like Copenhagen has been doing over the past number of years. But hey maybe we don’t want to be like Copenhagen!
    And remember that Oslo announced this week that it intends to phase out fossil fuelled cars from its inner-core streets in four years!.


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