Over 900 people have asked for the Liffey Cycle Route to be saved and kept on Dublin’s quays, in a campaign started by IrishCycle.com.
The petition — which can currently still be signed at https://my.uplift.ie — will be persented to the mannager of Dublin City Council and also highlighted to city councilors. The campaign to save the route is a localised action in the same vein as the “Cities fit for Cycling” campaign run by The Times in the UK, althought both are totally unconnected.
The petition states: “Keep the Liffey Cycle Route on Dublin’s quays — say no to a backstreet detour, yes to a Dutch-style two-way cycle path reclaiming part of the quays and a new riverside park. Option 6 is workable and the best route for the city.”
People who have signed the petition have the option of commenting, here’s a sample of the comments provided:
James K.:
“The Liffey has been cut off from the city by the multiple lanes of traffic on both of its banks. It’s time to put the Liffey, and people, back into the heart of the city!”
“Almost as many people cycle as use the Luas to get into the City yet cyclists don’t get the same infrastructure funding.”
“Why should people cycling always get the most unusable indirect and more often unsafe route ? How can Dublin City Council say that they are encouraging more people to cycle by doing this ? Cycling routes need to cater for all ages and abilities and not just the few youngish males which dominate the numbers at present.”
“People are sick and tired of motor cars running roughshod over the city. The quays are in dire need of being reclaimed in order to reduce the continuous stream of cars, the noise, the congestion and the pollution. Instead convert it into a pleasant, safe and sustainable place to walk and cycle. Dublin City Council, stop living in the past and start thinking and acting sensibly. The city is a disaster zone for public transport, walking or cycling. That needs to be change URGENTLY.”
Excellent work Cian. I really hope it makes a difference. Realistically however it may not, …as the powers-that-be are in thrall to the Motocracy. Even ordinary everyday folk have been so indoctrinated by the pervasive propaganda of the Motocracy (car ads that promise a better life for example) that they genuinely believe they have no alternative to the car for all normal activities. It’s a hideous reflection on our society that this has happened, but it is fixable. The Dutch have shown it to be so.