A long-planned expansion of the Galway Bike scheme has been quietly underway since late last year. The work was supposed to start last year, but this was subject to funding.
Issues in the city centre with one-way streets with no provision for cycling in both directions — as identified by consultants for the council/NTA and by local campaigners — have yet to be resolved.
According to reports on social media (on Twitter and Boards.ie), new stations are under construction or nearly ready to be opened near the NUI Galway park and ride; on the Old Dublin Road across from Bon Secors; and near the playground at College Rd/Lough Atalia.
Some of the planned locations at the edge of the network of docking stations seem to be over 800 meters apart and this goes against the 300-400 metres spacing with clustering recommend by bicycle sharing companies and others who have been involved with the roll out of bicycle share system.