CAMPAIGN: Urgent action is needed before tomorrow’s transport committee meeting to safe the Liffey Cycle Route:
As this site reported late last week, Dublin City Council officials have maintained that Option 7 of the Liffey Cycle Route is the best route but are opting to recommend the more expensive Option 8 which includes cycling-only boardwalk-like structures and mixes cycling and walking at a number of points.
The council also said that noise and environmental modelling work to date has not shown any significant issues with Option 7, but, despite this, the council has rowed back on that option and is recommending councillors and other traffic committee members to approve Option 8.
Picking the more expensive because of what amounts to scaremongering is wrong, so, join us and fight hard and fast for the Liffey Cycle Route! Please share the link and then read how to act!
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Cian Ginty