— Network to include new walking and cycling bridge over N25 to train station.
A network of shared “greenway” paths are planned within the business and industrial area of Little Island in Cork.
According the Cork County Council: “The Little Island Transport Strategy includes proposals for investment in cycling and walking routes, new public transport services (including a mobility hub at the train station) and local road improvements.”
The council said: “To ensure people are aware of these new transport improvements and are encouraged to use them, it is important to also invest in providing marketing information and support to people about their travel choices.
This will help to sustainably manage the demand for increasing car use on Little Island – and support residents, employees and visitors to make safer, greener and healthier journeys.”
Cork County Council said it will include “safer and direct cycling and walking routes – that take you where you need to go on Little Island, linking up homes, workplaces and the bus and rail network.”
Submissions from the public on the draft report are invited to be made to [email protected]
up to November 16, 2018. Details can be found at corkcoco.ie.