Work progresses on cycling bridge where Royal Canal meets Liffey

Construction work is progressing on seprate walking and cycling bridge where the Royal Canal meets the River Liffey in the Dublin Docklands.

PHOTOS OF WORKS: Thanks to Will Andrews:

IMAGE: A view of the works site from the Samuel Beckett Bridge.

The bridges will eventually be part of the much delayed Liffey Cycle Route, but will also offer short-term benefits to people cycling on the two-way cycle path between the Samuel Beckett Bridge and the Point Roundabout.

Here’s the location of the new bridges in relation to the existing, under construction and soon-to-be under construction segregated cycle routes:

The new bridges will allow people in both directions to link into the two-way cycle route on the east side of the Samuel Beckett Bridge which in turn links to the Grand Canal Cycle Route (via Grand Canal Square) and to the two-way cycle paths on the south quays in the Docklands.

A clear view of the works site:

This is the existing narrow path for pedestrians, shown from the west side of the canal:

And this is how the two-way cycle path end of the east side of the canal:

The foundations on both sides of the canal are being put in:

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Cian Ginty


  1. Cian
    Your map is slightly amiss as it shows the new bridges where the Samuel Beckett bridge is, when they are to the west of the Sean O’Casey bridge

  2. Hi Declan… no the new bridges are beside the Samuel Beckett Bridge, the mouth of the Royal Canal, and at the Convention Centre, and the existing narrow path. Street View here:,-6.2402216,3a,60y,257.96h,90.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFKLtfAnLks6fL5xLuM8Rkw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    While the other set of Scherzer rolling lift bridges are indeed closer to the core city centre at the Sean O’Casey Bridge and beside the IFSC. But this already has a wide walking and cycling bridge (or deck of some sort). Street View here:,-6.2484564,3a,18.3y,259.13h,85.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbrJrRDu5_5zWLn2_2H96OQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


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