NEWS IN BRIEF: Here’s details of and links to more webinars being hosted by Irish cycling campaigners as part of Bike Week 2020:
Join us online today from 5pm-6pm for the launch of “A Vision For Cycling in Rural Ireland" as part of #BikeWeek2020!
— KerryCyclingCampaign (@kerrycyclingcam) September 23, 2020
The vision will be launched by Minister Malcom Noonan TD and followed by speakers from across the country
Register at:
Our #BikeWeek2020 webinar series continues on Wednesday at 3pm with a focus on school transport. We'll hear about @DubCityCouncil's School Zones initiative and @Fingalcoco's School Streets project.
— Dublin Cycling Campaign (@dublincycling) September 22, 2020
Register for free here:
And recording of the webinars are expected to be uploaded, such as this one:
You can find the playback from our Monday webinar done in collaboration with @sdublincoco here:
— Kevin Baker (@__kbaker__) September 22, 2020
We will post the video recording from today's webinar about adapting cities for people in a pandemic later today.
Recordings of the unrelated to Bike Week, Irish / Dutch webinar series hosted by the Netherlands Embassy in Dublin and the Dutch Cycling Embassy are also starting to be uploaded — you can register for the third and final in the series, which happens a on October 1, here.
Well done to all in and member groups who put these National Bike Week webinars together and to the contribuors for enlightening us. A great Bike Week.